Tuesday 21 April 2015

End of the penultimate year.

After submitting the final term report due in another 24h, I'll be officially done with my third year in university. Time flies, no? One semester after another, one batch after another, and now I'm next in line to graduate, class of 2016.

The end of each semester means something different to me each time. It has always been about growth, but in different ways. This semester, I have learnt, in particular, to love the people around me more. It is in my own little ways that I can serve the people around me. I prayed for them, spent time out with them, catch up with them and just being myself. I found that I derive joy by giving, more so than when I receive. After all, it is God who has loved me first and given me the capacity to love others. So, it is the only right response to love him more by loving other people more.

There goes, a little short reflection to end the second to last day of the semester. The next few months will be hectic, and I know it.

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