Thursday, 14 March 2013

Executive Committee, Executive Board, or Both?

It's hard to make decisions when the choice isn't clear. Or in my case, when there's a "Both" option.

When I was rejected by my CCA for the Executive Board position, I was in some ways, glad. But having met the incoming president a couple of days back to explain to me why I wasn't selected, it was not because of my capabilities that I was rejected. He wanted me on the team, but was unsure if I could commit. After clarifying his doubts, which were largely true, he wanted me to reapply in the second round. My options are open again. And I have 6 more hours to make up my mind.

Yesterday, I was told and asked to be part of the Executive Committee for Regenerate, to plan for and oversee evangelistic events. It's something I'm more familiar with, and I know the people I'm going to work with much better. I am clear of the goals of Regen, and I am sure of their biblical doctrine. I will be serving fellow Christians.

It seems like the workload for both are about the same, with regen being slightly lighter–given that the events run once a month. "Both" seems like a viable option.

But, back to the heart. My heart. What is my motivation? What do I really want? Will it be godly if I promise that I can, when in fact I'm not sure? Would it be better to be sure and know what is godly and do it?

It can be hard to choose at times. I have to know where my heart lies, and do accordingly. I won't be right with God even if I am a leader in 2 student groups, but only through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I've made up my mind.

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