Monday, 17 September 2012

Difficulties of a Christian student in a secular university

As I look at my schedule before the start of each week, I will notice the "empty" slots for sure. Those are just time slots that I have nothing planned beforehand, not free time. Each day as I head to business school, I think about how I can better make use of the limited time I have. My schedules are packed to the brim and I am stretched to near maximum. How can I set myself apart from the rest, but still be able to build good humanly friendships? I don't think I will ever stop thinking about relating to other people. I don't live in God's world with Christians only, and Christians face problems in life too, not that everything is smooth sailing all the time. Sometimes, I think that Christians think about more things and struggle than non-believers for a very good reason.    

I struggle daily with all the temptations around me, the money-centered values in business school, the people who are aiming to bring you down and trample all over you. Being a Christian isn't an easy task to begin with. Each of us are then given different difficult circumstances to be in, and we strive (I hope) to behave in a Christ-like manner all the time. I want to glorify God in all that I do. People know that I'm a Christian, they are all watching and waiting like vultures to see how I fail as a Christian, and pounce on me when they see that I've blundered. 

Students from all faculties, well-read or poorly-read, strong or weak speakers, all have their own idea about who Jesus is. Some (mainly Christians) are for the biblical view, but many are not. Those who disagree with the bible will usually try to disprove the validity of the bible because they believe in some other pagan deities, had a bad encounter with overly aggressive 'evangelical Christians', or misplaced hope that God will do something that He did not promise. A few others see themselves as god. It is a mission field in uni, and it can be a battle field. It's a battle against different schools of thought, 'Christians' (they said they are, but believe in something else), people of other faith, and those who think that the world revolve around them. Responding to them in love is important, but that does not mean giving in to everything that they do. Stand up for our faith in a loving manner, pray for the non-believers and unbelievers, put aside all the Christian pride what we have. All to be done in love. Never stop trying or looking to God for guidance. 

It is ultimately not about what I do, or how I fail as a mere human, but what Christ has already succeeded in doing. I don't earn my salvation by doing good in front of people. I live not for money, fame, or pleasure. What I do does not change the fact that God is good and Christ died for all humanity, regardless of race, gender, family background, height, weight, how much paper we burn, how well we keep to prayer times, or even the number of figurines we own. It is always about Jesus and never about me. 

Thank you, Jesus, for your love and abounding love.  

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