Friday, 28 September 2012

a new chapter

Full of tears, I begin a new chapter in my limited time I have in this world. Broken, beaten, thrown into a corner, writhing in pain, and weeping non stop. Things haven't been easy, and they won't be if we continue as infants in this fight of faith. Things do not and will not always turn out the way we want. Grow up, I tell myself.

God has promised many things, but the greatest promise is salvation. It is hard to believe that things will ultimately turn out well seeing that things never ever go my way. The bible did not say that things will, but instead promised persecution and struggles. True enough. Here's the hard part of things. I'm cut off, and it is time to find myself in God's big plan. Put my trust in Jesus. It is going to be a vertical uphill battle.

I don't know what to expect from life. I can't cope with so many things going on in my life. I'm hurt, very very hurt. I have lost a part of me, among many other misplaced hopes. I don't know what to do, I feel like just giving up. I'm not handling this well. Why do I still bother so much about things? Why am I still here? What's my purpose in this world? It's time for me to go, isn't it? Why should I still be struggling here?

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