Sunday, 31 May 2009

finally got to meet vincent mah who gladly accpeted my custom job to do and inlay the truss rod cover. he actually told me alot about maestro and their dirty trade secrets. im not getting a maestro anymore, for what is advertised is not exactly true. dont want to waste half a grand. back to the truss rod cover, its gonna take 2 weeks. so for now, the gibson is sort of naked.

start and end of part 1 of bt2. general paper. well, for the essay, i prepared for science&tech, environment and education by reading the vjc publication called 'kaleidoscope'. hope i will do well for the esasy. then comes the paper 2 that talks about solitude, the tv, the internet and loneliness. i wasnt exactly that sure what the whole passage was about in a deeper level. aq was full of rubbish, just try to write something and link everything back. im surprised i wrote 2pages for aq.

met the other 14ocip peeps after gp for lunch at taka's seoul garden. waited for 1whole hour before we finally managed to get in. john got to sit alone with the girls, while angus, kx peter and i sit separately. over lunch, peter took something out from his bag. its this red box that has fried/cooked/? worms in it. i've never have or wanted anything to do with such stuff, be it over food or not. they are disgusting, dirty and probably scary too. as usual, worms go with flowers. i shall not talk much about that.

S02's farewell bbq/party at ecp was good. i think this would be the last time we get together with the 2 miss tan-s and miss huang. as usual, with dixon and kishen, there was lots of laughter. as usual, the teachers were joking with us too. its really hard to describe how i felt, but i know its a good feeling.

met george for lunch at 10 at tampines when i had my breakfast at 9.30 at home. so early, gotta meet some people who dont know what is punctuality at changi at 1130. got there with joleen, berakah, sakinah and george somewhat on time, if not we were early. so we walked around changi point and went to the hawker centre to look for the exco and miss choo.

this was what sk sent me the night before. "hi~tmr plz meet @11, changi jetty. we will hv lunch before gg over. if youre not hvg lunch, come @1130." this is the important part. look at the meeting time. 1230, we are still at changi jetty, waiting for people to come. even miss choo was late, 1140 she's still eating. punctuality? i think its a forgotten virtue.

had a whole hot long day of dry run for the upcoming june camp at p.ubin. all group leaders and assistants need to be there as we had to pretend to be the j1s and play the games under the 1pm sun. most games were actually played before, at least i did. and maybe alexia and boon ling. mann just used quite a number of games from the ocip camp last year, just that now you play them on ubin. thanks to ocip, i know the how effective deet repellents are. i used my 3M deet repellent while many others used those that prints "deet-free". i think the ocip peeps should know the difference at the end of the day (: dinner with the weirdest setting ever. im not gonna comment about anything here. for the very few times, im that quiet over a meal.

part2 of the dry run was like the camp last year, just that its more chill and fun. set off in the evening, and got back to the jetty in complete darkness. the games were pretty alright, as usual i have to since im a gl. got back to changi only at 11. how nice to spend the whole of saturday getting pissed, tired, dirty and smelly. from all the walking and walking and walking, the effects of the patella-femoral pain syndrome thing is back again in my right knee. its no joke, this time its very very painful. maybe book an appointment at cgh sports medicine again this month, i dont like this feeling.

sis is gone for 22 days eurip. alone at home most of the time except on sundays. i have a survival plan in mind.

whitsunday thanksgiving combined service at 8.30. how great a timing from all the torture yesterday. im now tired, 3quarters dead and the pain in my right knee just feels more painful. i hate to rely on drugs and guards, but i think this time i'll have no choice.

in this world, its the few people i love and those who love me keep me going and fighting.

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