in 1997, during the economic crisis, people lose MILLIONS. now, 12 years later, they count in BILLIONS. if you are not so good with numbers, 1 billion has 9 zeros. education taught people how to cheat others out of their savings and how to get around rules by finding loopholes in them. if you take a closer look again, its the very-well-educated that landed the world in this state. we may not become one of those in the future, i do not want either, because after these 16 years of education(take it as you go to a JC, dont get retained and move on to a university and study for a honours degree), you are most likely going to end up sutck in a cubicle in the office building. lucky enough, by hook or by crook, you may land youself in a fish tank in the same office. but if somehow you are gonna be bad enough, you will work behind a counter at one of the fastfood outlets. or even worse, you might be working at casey leong's condo handling the bookings of function rooms. some will take up the 'noble' job of educating the next generation to cheat others, i dont know what will it be.
its not that i love to complain just because i did not get what i wanted, but i just think that you cant judge anyone by the looks. quoting shakespeare's macbeth, " your hand, your tongue: like th' innocent flower, but be the serpent under't". in simpler terms, will be looking like the innocent flower, but be the serpent underneath it. education does really make your portfolio looks good, the more education, the better it gets. but its actually breeding people that could bite you one day, and turn the world upside down like whats happening now. its not only about the economy, think about the environment too. get this straight, education brings you far. but you need deception to bring you beyond where education can.
i just simply hope that my hardwork will pay off, after getting so much rubbish in my head. just a while more and the a'levels will be over. i want my As, i will do anything to get them. i believe in prayer too, i dont wish to lose any of my trust in prayer, just hope God will answer them and i will understand His answer.
valentine's day local cip, i dont know whats that gonna mean to me. spread the love, maybe? i dont care that much actually, just want to get it over and done with. im not in a very good mood now anyway, so i may change my thoughts about certain things i have said now. leftover cash for chalet? i wont mind that, but thats not a good idea though. outing tomorrow evening? i'll see how it goes. im not going to go back to anglican high anyway, the people should most likely be gone by 12. save up taxi money and convert it to happy money.
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