It has been exactly two months since I begun my stint as an intern at Johnson & Johnson. Time just flew by, and I can't imagine how it'd be if it was a three-month summer internship, instead of six. Two months in, I am settled in, and thankful to be here. I have learnt plenty of new things about the medical industry, in particular surgical procedures and the equipment used. It has not been easy having to cope with an assault on my senses at the start, but I guess I have already gotten slightly desensitised to them.
It has been a good period of learning, reading, and growth too. SSBC, on Isaiah, and the last sermon series in church on Radical Discipleship have been greatly encouraging in pointing me towards Christ and what He has done, by exploring and digging deep into Scripture each time. Growth is always hard, and I am someone who learn things the hard way. Thank God for being so patient in seeing me through my weaknesses, and pushing me in the right direction with plenty of brothers and sisters in Christ around me.
Learning to lean on God in knowledge of His sovereignty has been and will continue to be a challenge, but I am comforted to know that He is the true constant in my life.
Sunday, 19 July 2015
Wednesday, 29 April 2015
A Week Later
It has been a good week since the end of my last official assignment for the third year of uni. It's perhaps timely to pen/type down some of my thoughts, a week after.
The semester has not been an easy one. There was a whole string of different factors that made it tough. To start, I was officially on a 28 credit semester, with five modules and the field service project running concurrently. Even though some modules proved to be tougher than they were described, it could be largely attributed to the group mates I had. It is only this semester that I realise how fortunate I have been to be grouped with people, who eventually became good friends, and they could deliver results time after time. I guess all my luck ran out this semester with a group that I would never have wanted. It was hard work, and I had to put in extra hours than I should, because the split of work turned out to be imbalanced. Promises were not fulfilled because priorities were not in the right places.
On the bright side, everything else turned out to be much better! Squish was loads of fun, a module that I actually enjoyed a lot in USP, and I never thought I could do/understand something related to engineering. Consumer behaviour made me enjoy academic research on marketing, so much that I decided to start an Independent Study Module on it. Asian markets was enriching, and allowed me to appreciate how Asia is unique. Operations strategy exposed me to industries I never thought I might have an interest in, shipping and steel.
Apart from the academic pursuits, I have learnt to love God more. Preparing for bible studies is a daunting task, yet rewarding in many ways. I had to read deep into the passage, in its context, before I can properly guide someone along, let alone a group. It was tough and stressful thinking through James and asking the questions, to help myself learn so that I can help others learn. God has been gracious in helping me work through the two studies, and I am thoroughly humbled by that because I would not have done it by my own wisdom and understanding. I hope that this will be the start of something more in the future.
What's up next for me? Internship, ISM, and FSP, and perhaps one more module. All is good, because He is in control.
The semester has not been an easy one. There was a whole string of different factors that made it tough. To start, I was officially on a 28 credit semester, with five modules and the field service project running concurrently. Even though some modules proved to be tougher than they were described, it could be largely attributed to the group mates I had. It is only this semester that I realise how fortunate I have been to be grouped with people, who eventually became good friends, and they could deliver results time after time. I guess all my luck ran out this semester with a group that I would never have wanted. It was hard work, and I had to put in extra hours than I should, because the split of work turned out to be imbalanced. Promises were not fulfilled because priorities were not in the right places.
On the bright side, everything else turned out to be much better! Squish was loads of fun, a module that I actually enjoyed a lot in USP, and I never thought I could do/understand something related to engineering. Consumer behaviour made me enjoy academic research on marketing, so much that I decided to start an Independent Study Module on it. Asian markets was enriching, and allowed me to appreciate how Asia is unique. Operations strategy exposed me to industries I never thought I might have an interest in, shipping and steel.
Apart from the academic pursuits, I have learnt to love God more. Preparing for bible studies is a daunting task, yet rewarding in many ways. I had to read deep into the passage, in its context, before I can properly guide someone along, let alone a group. It was tough and stressful thinking through James and asking the questions, to help myself learn so that I can help others learn. God has been gracious in helping me work through the two studies, and I am thoroughly humbled by that because I would not have done it by my own wisdom and understanding. I hope that this will be the start of something more in the future.
What's up next for me? Internship, ISM, and FSP, and perhaps one more module. All is good, because He is in control.
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
End of the penultimate year.
After submitting the final term report due in another 24h, I'll be officially done with my third year in university. Time flies, no? One semester after another, one batch after another, and now I'm next in line to graduate, class of 2016.
The end of each semester means something different to me each time. It has always been about growth, but in different ways. This semester, I have learnt, in particular, to love the people around me more. It is in my own little ways that I can serve the people around me. I prayed for them, spent time out with them, catch up with them and just being myself. I found that I derive joy by giving, more so than when I receive. After all, it is God who has loved me first and given me the capacity to love others. So, it is the only right response to love him more by loving other people more.
There goes, a little short reflection to end the second to last day of the semester. The next few months will be hectic, and I know it.
The end of each semester means something different to me each time. It has always been about growth, but in different ways. This semester, I have learnt, in particular, to love the people around me more. It is in my own little ways that I can serve the people around me. I prayed for them, spent time out with them, catch up with them and just being myself. I found that I derive joy by giving, more so than when I receive. After all, it is God who has loved me first and given me the capacity to love others. So, it is the only right response to love him more by loving other people more.
There goes, a little short reflection to end the second to last day of the semester. The next few months will be hectic, and I know it.
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
This little red dot on the map that I grew up in, I call it home.
It is a great privilege to be born and to grow up in Singapore. It's a modern city, organised, orderly, politically and economically stable. I'm given a chance to go to school, and subsequently pursue a degree at the National University of Singapore. It is a place that I hold dear to and love.
In the past weeks, the whole country seems to be slightly unsettled, after Mr Lee Kuan Yew was hospitalised for severe pneumonia. With each update from the Prime Minister's Office, things just do not have a bright outlook. The whole nation knew that the news was coming, but it is something most people did not want to hear. Mr Lee's condition worsened and deteriorated. Finally, he bade farewell to Singapore and the world yesterday morning. The nation mourns the passing of a well-respected person who has gave his life to build it up.
It is sad and emotional, having to come to terms that we have lost someone important to us. He may be remote, in the sense that we do not know him personally. With each obituary published, we get a glimpse of who this man really is. The more I read, the more grateful and appreciative I feel. Indeed, he may be an iron-fisted politician, and not all that he has done is right. After all, he is not immune to faults and errors. But it is also appropriate to also remember what he has contributed to Singapore. As George Yeo aptly puts it, just look around Singapore, and we will see how far we have all come. It is hard to hold back my tears as I read the papers, about what he has done and who he is. This man built this place I call home.
I served my two years of National Service in the Army, and I knew very well why I did what I was doing. I wanted to protect my nation, I wanted to keep my home safe. I entered university, so that I can learn more about how I can make Singapore a better place, because I did not want the country to fail in my generation's hands, making waste what the forefathers have built.
Mr Lee, you have lived a life that is worthy to be celebrated. It is with great thankfulness that I express my heartfelt appreciation. It will take time for us to take this in, and it will not be easy. The nation will remember you.
Thank you, Sir.
It is a great privilege to be born and to grow up in Singapore. It's a modern city, organised, orderly, politically and economically stable. I'm given a chance to go to school, and subsequently pursue a degree at the National University of Singapore. It is a place that I hold dear to and love.
In the past weeks, the whole country seems to be slightly unsettled, after Mr Lee Kuan Yew was hospitalised for severe pneumonia. With each update from the Prime Minister's Office, things just do not have a bright outlook. The whole nation knew that the news was coming, but it is something most people did not want to hear. Mr Lee's condition worsened and deteriorated. Finally, he bade farewell to Singapore and the world yesterday morning. The nation mourns the passing of a well-respected person who has gave his life to build it up.
It is sad and emotional, having to come to terms that we have lost someone important to us. He may be remote, in the sense that we do not know him personally. With each obituary published, we get a glimpse of who this man really is. The more I read, the more grateful and appreciative I feel. Indeed, he may be an iron-fisted politician, and not all that he has done is right. After all, he is not immune to faults and errors. But it is also appropriate to also remember what he has contributed to Singapore. As George Yeo aptly puts it, just look around Singapore, and we will see how far we have all come. It is hard to hold back my tears as I read the papers, about what he has done and who he is. This man built this place I call home.
I served my two years of National Service in the Army, and I knew very well why I did what I was doing. I wanted to protect my nation, I wanted to keep my home safe. I entered university, so that I can learn more about how I can make Singapore a better place, because I did not want the country to fail in my generation's hands, making waste what the forefathers have built.
Mr Lee, you have lived a life that is worthy to be celebrated. It is with great thankfulness that I express my heartfelt appreciation. It will take time for us to take this in, and it will not be easy. The nation will remember you.
Thank you, Sir.
Sunday, 22 March 2015
Crazy Busy, an addiction to busy-ness
The pile of assignments waiting to be cleared, the presentation waiting to be prepared, the slides waiting to designed. Yet here I am, typing away on my computer, for a new post on my blog. This post will not help me get work done, but I just have to get these thoughts down.
I have admit, I am addicted to busyness. I give the excuse that if I don't push myself to work harder, I will not know how much I can achieve. After AIESEC in my second year, I can't seem to slow down. It was six courses then, struggled a bit with the workload, but felt fine after that. And here I am, another six courses. It felt normal, and I will be too free if I just do five. I want to be occupied with work, lots of work. And it does not stop here.
Next semester, I will be away on an internship. Yes, a full time position at one of the biggest MNCs in the medical devices industry. At the same time, I will be completing my consultancy project, with an independent study project, and another weekend class or another research course. That will mean that my nights will be filled with work, and weekends filled with even more work. I am only protecting my Sunday to not be touched by work for church and family. But at this stage, that will be pretty impossible it seems. Sunday nights will be spent writing and preparing for more work.
It is hard to find a balance. When am I taking on too many things, and when am I not doing enough? Is it alright to be not doing enough? I wished it was as simple as you think it might be. Problems like this may seem elementary, but they are layered, complex, and multi-faceted. Where should I approach it from and how should I do it? I have laid out my plans, and it seems like the best possible plan. Am I taking on too much? Only time will tell, only time will tell.
I am glad, though, that I have not given up on things that matter to me.
I have admit, I am addicted to busyness. I give the excuse that if I don't push myself to work harder, I will not know how much I can achieve. After AIESEC in my second year, I can't seem to slow down. It was six courses then, struggled a bit with the workload, but felt fine after that. And here I am, another six courses. It felt normal, and I will be too free if I just do five. I want to be occupied with work, lots of work. And it does not stop here.
Next semester, I will be away on an internship. Yes, a full time position at one of the biggest MNCs in the medical devices industry. At the same time, I will be completing my consultancy project, with an independent study project, and another weekend class or another research course. That will mean that my nights will be filled with work, and weekends filled with even more work. I am only protecting my Sunday to not be touched by work for church and family. But at this stage, that will be pretty impossible it seems. Sunday nights will be spent writing and preparing for more work.
It is hard to find a balance. When am I taking on too many things, and when am I not doing enough? Is it alright to be not doing enough? I wished it was as simple as you think it might be. Problems like this may seem elementary, but they are layered, complex, and multi-faceted. Where should I approach it from and how should I do it? I have laid out my plans, and it seems like the best possible plan. Am I taking on too much? Only time will tell, only time will tell.
I am glad, though, that I have not given up on things that matter to me.
Saturday, 24 January 2015
Turning 24.
Four days ago, I turned twenty four.
I did not do anything particularly special for my birthday. There was no cake with a candle, no fancy meals, no huge celebrations, no birthday cards. Life went on as usual, I did not feel particularly happy nor sad. Attended classes in the morning and carried out my duties as a residential assistant, along with a meeting that lasted till late. It was, in fact, a peculiarly busy and long day for the second week of the semester.
Perhaps, I have come to learn over the years what is truly valuable. The urgency to tell people of the gospel, and the need to grow in maturity in Christ. Even though I am 24, I still have plenty of space to grow in Christ. Going with the cliché of making birthday wishes, I do have a couple of wishes. To grow in godliness, and be bold in telling people about the gospel. There are things that I think and consider about, such as praying and looking for a partner (God willing, of course), writing short essays to encourage Christians, meeting someone to read the bible with, and what I want to do after I graduate.
Turning 24, it marks a stage of life where I am somewhat caught in between. I have two more semesters left, and a senior in university. It is the time to plan and to make full use of before things change as I head out into the working world. So close to getting out, yet quite unsure if the working world is for me. But turning 24, I hope I will be wiser in making decisions.
Here's to a good and busy year ahead.
I did not do anything particularly special for my birthday. There was no cake with a candle, no fancy meals, no huge celebrations, no birthday cards. Life went on as usual, I did not feel particularly happy nor sad. Attended classes in the morning and carried out my duties as a residential assistant, along with a meeting that lasted till late. It was, in fact, a peculiarly busy and long day for the second week of the semester.
Perhaps, I have come to learn over the years what is truly valuable. The urgency to tell people of the gospel, and the need to grow in maturity in Christ. Even though I am 24, I still have plenty of space to grow in Christ. Going with the cliché of making birthday wishes, I do have a couple of wishes. To grow in godliness, and be bold in telling people about the gospel. There are things that I think and consider about, such as praying and looking for a partner (God willing, of course), writing short essays to encourage Christians, meeting someone to read the bible with, and what I want to do after I graduate.
Turning 24, it marks a stage of life where I am somewhat caught in between. I have two more semesters left, and a senior in university. It is the time to plan and to make full use of before things change as I head out into the working world. So close to getting out, yet quite unsure if the working world is for me. But turning 24, I hope I will be wiser in making decisions.
Here's to a good and busy year ahead.
Thursday, 8 January 2015
Thirst to win.
I've been skipping more, running more, doing more dips, doing more push ups, doing more crunches, eating healthier, and eating less. All of it to tone up the muscles, increase my stamina and lose some weight. It's been a very long while since I had this deep desire to win. I think it is a mixture of several factors. Largely because that there is a good chance of clinching gold, and partly to prove that I am on top of my game, at least among the colleges. But it's been quite a challenge coming to terms with that and to be honest, it does not feel good.
Hope that I'll be able to put things into perspective as the semester begins, and that I will carefully consider what matters most to me, beyond my uni life and gold medals.
Hope that I'll be able to put things into perspective as the semester begins, and that I will carefully consider what matters most to me, beyond my uni life and gold medals.
Saturday, 20 December 2014
Christmas, Christmas - time of the year
It's rainy, wet, cold, festive, celebratory, joyful, fearful, and a period of reflecting on the year past.
Sitting down at my semi-messy table, the best thing that has happened this year, that makes it a special one, was perhaps my baptism on Good Friday. It was a thought that I toyed with for a few years, but never quite had the courage to take that step and make a public proclamation of my faith, in the presence of friends, both believing and non-believing (to hear about the God that I am proclaiming). The dunking aside, it marks a milestone in my faith as a Christian for seven years (!), and there will be many more along the way to come, God willing. There have been occasions that I did not behave as a Christian should, even though I am trying hard. Godliness is a goal that I am constantly striving towards, it will be a hard journey, but one that God has promised and it is the only right response if I were to proclaim Him as my God.
Uni life has been fantastic, and packed full of activities, meeting new people, trying out new things and failing at some. There have been some points in the past 2.5 years in NUS that have been disappointing, but I am thoroughly thankful for where I am today that God has placed me. Biz, USP, Regen-the three most important parts of my uni life. At biz, I learn what I like. At USP, I am exposed to things I never thought I'd ever learn. At regen, possibly the best support from fellow Christians I have outside of church. There are plenty of things that I wished I had put more time in, instead of just wasting my time on unproductive and unhelpful stuff. 1.5/2 years left in NUS, it's perhaps not too late to think of and act on making better use of my time.
23 years old, and turning 24 in exactly a month. A possible third of my life has passed. There is still plenty in life and about Christ to learn, and to live. And the thing about getting a partner and marriage, it is still something that I am earnestly praying for.
2014, you've been a good one. Here's to another great year ahead.
Sitting down at my semi-messy table, the best thing that has happened this year, that makes it a special one, was perhaps my baptism on Good Friday. It was a thought that I toyed with for a few years, but never quite had the courage to take that step and make a public proclamation of my faith, in the presence of friends, both believing and non-believing (to hear about the God that I am proclaiming). The dunking aside, it marks a milestone in my faith as a Christian for seven years (!), and there will be many more along the way to come, God willing. There have been occasions that I did not behave as a Christian should, even though I am trying hard. Godliness is a goal that I am constantly striving towards, it will be a hard journey, but one that God has promised and it is the only right response if I were to proclaim Him as my God.
Uni life has been fantastic, and packed full of activities, meeting new people, trying out new things and failing at some. There have been some points in the past 2.5 years in NUS that have been disappointing, but I am thoroughly thankful for where I am today that God has placed me. Biz, USP, Regen-the three most important parts of my uni life. At biz, I learn what I like. At USP, I am exposed to things I never thought I'd ever learn. At regen, possibly the best support from fellow Christians I have outside of church. There are plenty of things that I wished I had put more time in, instead of just wasting my time on unproductive and unhelpful stuff. 1.5/2 years left in NUS, it's perhaps not too late to think of and act on making better use of my time.
23 years old, and turning 24 in exactly a month. A possible third of my life has passed. There is still plenty in life and about Christ to learn, and to live. And the thing about getting a partner and marriage, it is still something that I am earnestly praying for.
2014, you've been a good one. Here's to another great year ahead.
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