Saturday, 24 January 2015

Turning 24.

Four days ago, I turned twenty four.

I did not do anything particularly special for my birthday. There was no cake with a candle, no fancy meals, no huge celebrations, no birthday cards. Life went on as usual, I did not feel particularly happy nor sad. Attended classes in the morning and carried out my duties as a residential assistant, along with a meeting that lasted till late. It was, in fact, a peculiarly busy and long day for the second week of the semester.

Perhaps, I have come to learn over the years what is truly valuable. The urgency to tell people of the gospel, and the need to grow in maturity in Christ. Even though I am 24, I still have plenty of space to grow in Christ. Going with the cliché of making birthday wishes, I do have a couple of wishes. To grow in godliness, and be bold in telling people about the gospel. There are things that I think and consider about, such as praying and looking for a partner (God willing, of course), writing short essays to encourage Christians, meeting someone to read the bible with, and what I want to do after I graduate.

Turning 24, it marks a stage of life where I am somewhat caught in between. I have two more semesters left, and a senior in university. It is the time to plan and to make full use of before things change as I head out into the working world. So close to getting out, yet quite unsure if the working world is for me. But turning 24, I hope I will be wiser in making decisions.

Here's to a good and busy year ahead.

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