Wednesday, 29 April 2015

A Week Later

It has been a good week since the end of my last official assignment for the third year of uni. It's perhaps timely to pen/type down some of my thoughts, a week after.

The semester has not been an easy one. There was a whole string of different factors that made it tough. To start, I was officially on a 28 credit semester, with five modules and the field service project running concurrently. Even though some modules proved to be tougher than they were described, it could be largely attributed to the group mates I had. It is only this semester that I realise how fortunate I have been to be grouped with people, who eventually became good friends, and they could deliver results time after time. I guess all my luck ran out this semester with a group that I would never have wanted. It was hard work, and I had to put in extra hours than I should, because the split of work turned out to be imbalanced. Promises were not fulfilled because priorities were not in the right places.

On the bright side, everything else turned out to be much better! Squish was loads of fun, a module that I actually enjoyed a lot in USP, and I never thought I could do/understand something related to engineering. Consumer behaviour made me enjoy academic research on marketing, so much that I decided to start an Independent Study Module on it. Asian markets was enriching, and allowed me to appreciate how Asia is unique. Operations strategy exposed me to industries I never thought I might have an interest in, shipping and steel.

Apart from the academic pursuits, I have learnt to love God more. Preparing for bible studies is a daunting task, yet rewarding in many ways. I had to read deep into the passage, in its context, before I can properly guide someone along, let alone a group. It was tough and stressful thinking through James and asking the questions, to help myself learn so that I can help others learn. God has been gracious in helping me work through the two studies, and I am thoroughly humbled by that because I would not have done it by my own wisdom and understanding. I hope that this will be the start of something more in the future.

What's up next for me? Internship, ISM, and FSP, and perhaps one more module. All is good, because He is in control.

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