Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Understanding the sovereignty of God and our helplessness

There are a million and one things that I struggle with day in and day out. I ask myself plenty of questions almost all the time, seeking to find the answers to each of the questions. I get worried about things happening around me, the people I know who have yet to hear of the gospel or received Christ, and about things that are going to happen. Once in a long while, I get so overwhelmed by them that I can't help but breakdown and hide away in a corner. I used to refuse to talk to anyone about it, for the fear of being looked upon as a person who can't handle himself properly. The me-centered way of living is painful, for I can never get out of my helplessness if I depend on my own strength. It was only after talking to close friends about it that I realize I am not the only one struggling with so many things. That was comforting. I am not alone.

Turning to the bible and reading it, both the Old and New Testaments, it just overflows with God's sovereignty. God is sovereign over creation and every of our emotions. He is King over everything. God is always with His people. Those who are with Him are not and will never be alone. A realization that I am helpless and need God is perhaps one of the best things that I know, and that the Christian life will be one that is hard but God is still with me is absolutely encouraging in keeping me going on in this struggle. Christian friends are placed around me for good reasons and relating to them has allowed me to understand that we are all in this together. These are the people who understand what I am going through and push me back in the right direction again.

A life showing conviction of faith in Christ is one that is assured of salvation and looking forward to the end day to be with Him again. Emotions are not wrong and not signs of weakness, but an indication that we are just humans. God is sovereign, and those who trust in Him are well taken care of.

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