Thursday, 19 June 2014

Living the Cross-Centered Life

I had a hard and terrible time trying to fall asleep last night, it's been a while since I last had so much difficulty with that. Since my bookshelf's right beside my bed, I decided to read. It was a small book that I have read before, but the content was nothing small at all. It's "Living the Cross Centered Life" written by C.J. Mahaney.

It was a good read, one that points the reader to the bible and to think and reflect. I did not get past the third chapter, but it was enough to get me reflecting and thinking (at 3am!). Have I been living a life putting the cross in the core, or the cross is just something peripheral? What does the cross mean to myself and to everyone of us?

I spent a good bulk of the time that was supposed to be used for sleeping reading, reflecting and praying. Keeping the cross in the center of my life has not been an easy, and sometimes, I do lose sight of the cross in my actions and thoughts. I admit that by my own strength it will never be possible, but only through God alone.

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