i can still remember, last year, life was hell for me at tampines jc. i couldnt wait to get out of that place, in search of a better jc. what i had in mind was that if i dont get a change of environment, i'll probably mess up my alevels.
some of you might know this. if my L1R5(raw) is:
>14 i need to accept my fate.
14 mjc
12 sajc
10 tjc
8 vjc
thankfully, by God's grace, i got 12. from a mission school to another, but still under the same big st andrew's family of schools. was really happy that no more gonecase school for me. got the subject combination i wanted, physics-chem-math-h1econs, as i thought this would work best for me.
08S02 was my class, it was a class of 28students-4retainees, 7 scholars, 17locals. initially, i was very surprised im in a scholar class, which implies stress! the china scholars dont talk much, with a malaysian forming the great wall with them. cambodian is super hardworking, but with almost illegible handwriting and still trying to learn to speak chinese. ricky is probably the most singaporean of the scholars, he speaks like one, does things like one and thinks like one. kushi's from india and caroline em from indonesia. i can still remember how people like sam and sheldon went back to their most familiar cca(basketball and band) after trying out rockclimbing. and dixon loo begging ben liang to get into odac. this is where all the fun starts.
teachers were
tan jiaqi-who leaves at 2pm on a normal day. she's my ct and chem tutor.
william lee-math. he thinks every math sum is easy.
annie tang-old and wise, at least thats what other gp teachers say she is supposed to be.
huang kexin-physics. one of my favourite teachers, funny but fierce at times. yes, grass should be green.
benliang-econs. only gives boring lessons, and everything he says is on moodle.
ben soh-pe. i didnt attend his lesson for a full year. im on permanant mc, for the bilateral pfps.
after a few months, closer friends were found. sheldon, samuel, kishen, chan, ricky and dixon.
we played hard for one year, got into trouble sometimes. in the end, only 21 promoted. nicely done. but we did learn that good results dont come easy.
while all the above were happening, i joined ocip. took up this chance partly because i missed the one in anglican, sports players were not allowed to go due to holiday trainings. but through it, met many new friends. and grown alot to become more thoughtful and mature. photographer, pubcom, and most importantly, a member of the vietnam ocip team. friendships were forged, and the fun will continue among these few of us. drinking soon?
this year, 2009, is when all the real fight begins. a change of people leading us through this battle.
jasmine tan-ct and chem. everything is good about her, just left one thing that im still curious about. and she knows too much about me.
mr sia-physics, after june hols. good, knowledgeble enough to think xray machines are funny.
mrs seet-econs. not really an improvement from ben liang, at least not as boring. its a different style.
been improving my grades all the while, fighting for the cookie and a spot on the notice board. the stress level has also been building up and never subsided. maybe its this, along with the degree that my sis got spur me on to work harder to get better grades.
the ocip camp, that was supposed to be carried out, was cancelled after h1n1 hit singapore and got so widespread. now, its just like the common flu that we used to know. but im glad that all the publicity stunts that we prepared for did not go to waste.
prelims just ended weeks ago. got drunk, dead drunk with the ocip peeps right after prelims ended. since the prep for prelims, i've made an effort to put down my guitar and bury myself in all the notes and the practice papers. results did prove that it works, so they'll remain in the store for now. i'll start playing again if the prom band is confirmed.
today marks the final day as a student in sajc. farewell assembly was good, congrats to the prize winners. phototaking in school uniform for the last time, all these will be kept as memories. im not gonna talk much about it. the last time i'll see my friends in relaxed mode in school uniform, the last time we'll do such crazy stuff in school. but the first time JASMINE TAN IS IN A SKIRT!!
in the short 1year plus in sajc, i thank God for roses by the wayside, and the thorns they may contain. for guiding me through probably the toughest time in my 18years, and also blessing me with such great friends. people i'll like to thank? there's lots of them. but just to name afew,
1.the ocip team, especially john, kx, mdong, melodie , olivia and peter.
2.classmates, sheldon, samuel, kishen, chanphearum tech, ricky and dixon.
3.teachers, jasmine tan, huang kexin, mr sia, charis lee, charissa choo, william lee, derrick ong, miss tay and many many more.
4.pastor gerald! most of you may not know who he is, i borrowed a watch from him during the ocip selection camp last year. ask and you will receive, seek and you will find.
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and for my dear ocip friends, something familiar.
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