Thursday, 30 April 2009


From shoe and racket

it all came way too fast. and its gonna end real soon. there are some things im not keeping to myself anymore after today's loss to vjc.

1. i crack under pressure. the match against mi, we were 1-0 up. i need to seal the second point from my first doubles to boost the team morale, especially for the second singles. it was the same today. the opponents were not that tough at all, but i just cant bear the weight of the whole team. cant get focused enough in the game, and there goes another loss.

2. line judges. miss line judge, could you not look at your phone while sitting at that chair? you know how much it means if you made a wrong call? i had enough of the line judges, they were not paying attention at all. they wont know how much it means for a side to lose a point because of the bad call. irritating.

3. mr wang and mr ong. yes, you two did try to talk to us at intervals. but we do not need you as what you give are what we already are aware off. and the advice you give are somewhat demoralising. we need the coach, not you. so next time, just sit at the bench and wait.

4. jeremy. im sorry partner, but guess coach was right. i have too much pace, you had too little. maybe it was a mistake to pair us up in the first place, you couldnt keep up with my game. monday will be the last one, hope it will stay this way as i still enjoy this partnership though we may not win.

im tired. glad that there is this long weekend. lets go out sometime soon.heres a nice song.
Hanging By A Moment by Lifehouse

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