Saturday, 20 December 2014

Christmas, Christmas - time of the year

It's rainy, wet, cold, festive, celebratory, joyful, fearful, and a period of reflecting on the year past.

Sitting down at my semi-messy table, the best thing that has happened this year, that makes it a special one, was perhaps my baptism on Good Friday. It was a thought that I toyed with for a few years, but never quite had the courage to take that step and make a public proclamation of my faith, in the presence of friends, both believing and non-believing (to hear about the God that I am proclaiming). The dunking aside, it marks a milestone in my faith as a Christian for seven years (!), and there will be many more along the way to come, God willing. There have been occasions that I did not behave as a Christian should, even though I am trying hard. Godliness is a goal that I am constantly striving towards, it will be a hard journey, but one that God has promised and it is the only right response if I were to proclaim Him as my God.

Uni life has been fantastic, and packed full of activities, meeting new people, trying out new things and failing at some. There have been some points in the past 2.5 years in NUS that have been disappointing, but I am thoroughly thankful for where I am today that God has placed me. Biz, USP, Regen-the three most important parts of my uni life. At biz, I learn what I like. At USP, I am exposed to things I never thought I'd ever learn. At regen, possibly the best support from fellow Christians I have outside of church. There are plenty of things that I wished I had put more time in, instead of just wasting my time on unproductive and unhelpful stuff. 1.5/2 years left in NUS, it's perhaps not too late to think of and act on making better use of my time.

23 years old, and turning 24 in exactly a month. A possible third of my life has passed. There is still plenty in life and about Christ to learn, and to live. And the thing about getting a partner and marriage, it is still something that I am earnestly praying for.

2014, you've been a good one. Here's to another great year ahead.

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