It isn't hard to understand why students are seeing 'rest' as a word that we don't mention, or even think of it in the first place. Just look at the number of assignments due, the number of assessments, the social pressure that you must do well to earn a respectable job upon graduation. It is easy to pack our schedules with work that we forget about rest, or give excuses to not rest.
It might good to zoom out and take on a macro perspective. It has become a 'culture' in Singapore that the importance of rest is diminishing. Top down, the government continually preaches the importance of good education and competition so that we can stay ahead of competition. Parents often want their children to be better than other children of the same age in all aspects, which explaining the booming and thriving tuition business in Singapore. Students flock to schools to prove that they can be better by scoring more distinctions in their exams, not so much of the networking and building of friendships. How about rest? Do our generation know what is rest?
I take a full day of rest every fortnight, spending my time doing things I like and reflecting, with minimal influence from work. A time away from work allows me to find my footing before I drift too far off. Rest is important for balancing work and life, it is vital for spiritual well being.
It will be hard to change the culture, but the best thing that we can do is not follow the culture. Knowing what is more important and having the trust in a God who keeps his promise has allowed me to take a break in peace, for I know that he has the ultimate control over all things. Be in this world, but not conform to its values. Live as light in this dark and fallen world.