Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Good Comfort Food.

alright, i'll try putting up a recipe here. it worked well for me, its my own recipe actually. i came up with this since i can't find the right taste with the other recipes all over the internet.

so here it goes...

Lamb Stew with Root Veg (serves 3-4)

Leg of lamb (bone-in) 600grams
1 large carrot
1 large red onion
2 large potatoes or about 10 new potatoes
3 tomatoes, chopped up. or tomato puree will do as well.
5 cloves of garlic, peeled

2 bay leaves
1 sprig of fresh rosemary
a good amount of oregano(dried) and basil(dried)

1 can of Swanson broth. can be chicken or pork
1 small bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon. those small bottles you can find in supermarkets, about 180+ ml

1 casserole or a deep pot.

1. Chop up the red onion and the leaves of the rosemary coarsely. You can mix them together.
2. Peel the potatoes. Cut one of them in large chunks, the other in smaller cubes.
If new potatoes are used, just wash them clean and leave the skin on.
3. Peel the carrot, and cut into chunks. should give you around 6-7 pieces.
4. For the meat, remove the sinew and excess fats by trimming with a small and sharp knife. Try not to remove too much meat.
5. Add salt and coarse black pepper to the meat, together with some oregano and basil.
7. Then a dash of sesame oil to the meat. lightly powder the meat with some corn/potato starch.

1. Heat up some cooking oil in the deep pot.
2. Brown the meat on both sides, remove and put aside.
3. There should still be some oil in the pot. Add a bit more if needed. To the oil, add the garlic, onion and rosemary.
4. Fry the onion till soft and slightly brown.
5. Add half of the bottle of wine to it. It should be smelling very good.
6. Add in the tomato, potato and the carrot. Stir them in,
7. Put the meat back into the pot, making sure that it is covered with the liquid.
8. Add in the broth, and the remaining red wine. And the bay leaf.
9. Bring it to a boil for about 5min, then let it simmer for 3 to 4 hours on low heat.
10. Continue to stir at intervals to prevent sticking. It will get very starchy and may get burnt at the bottom.
11. To know if the meat is soft and cooked through, use a fork and gently push the meat apart. If it can just fall off, then its done!
12. Serve with toasted bread or rice.

For the drink, i have something for you as well. its very refreshing, and good for a nice slow evening. i dont have a name for this concoction yet. since its my first shot, i shall put it as #1 at the moment.

Grey Goose Vodka, Orange flavoured. This is expensive, you can use other vodkas as well.
1 passionfruit, good sized.
1 large green lime
Snapple Apple
Sprite or 7up to give it the carbonated kick.
lots of ice

for the passionfruit, you might want it seedless. so what you do is
1. cut open the fruit.
2. use a spoon and dig out everything.
3. push all the contents of the fruit through a sieve. make sure you have a bowl or container underneath it.
4. and there you have it, the fresh passionfruit taste without the seeds.

prepare a glass, so you can see how much of each will go in.
1. the juice of half a lime.
2. 1 tablespoonful of the passionfruit, seedless or not.
3. add vodka equal to the amount of the juice and passionfruit combined.
4. add an equal part of snapple.
5. top up with the carbonated sprite and ice.
6. Enjoy!

hope you'll like this recipe. since i have a lot of time now i can keep trying out new stuff. and most likely if i invite you over for dinner, and im cooking, it'll be these stuff unless i have something new.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

what's good, what's not.

this is totally awesome. M frames with hybrid lens. Lance Armstrong Signature(discontinued limited edition) and Metallic Red from Oakley Custom.

From miscellaneous

this is not good at all. and it is giving me a lot of trouble disengaging from the pedal which is dangerous. new cleats soon.

From miscellaneous

Friday, 26 March 2010

last few hours here in a*star. it will mark the end of another chapter.

thanks to all those in the group for the fun and guidance in my 11weeks here in IBN, i really enjoyed it and appreciate your company. this goes out to Suhaila, Daisy, Kelvin, Shah, Yar Oo, Dr. Wu Hong and Rensheng (and dr edwin for the show?). and also people like joshua, shiane, mengwee and eugene. im almost a hundred percent sure and certain that i'll not do research in the future, its not my kind of career choice. see you guys soon when i bring back goodies from overseas.

one month more to army. train, travel and enjoy life.

Monday, 22 March 2010





什么是正确的基督徒行为呢?神并没有在圣经里说只要你有以上的行为,你要什么就能得到什么。不是说你天天祷告,求神给与你很好的成绩,好成绩就会从天而降。如果这样简单的话,每个人就去信主,成绩也都一流。可是,圣经里却有说到,神已经为你的生活设下了一个很美好的计划。有时候当你在生活中碰到一些难题时,或者一切对你不利时,别气馁。因为这只不过是一个考验。这个考验的过程可能很久,可能几天,又可能只是几分钟。如果因为碰到一点小错则就对神失去信心, 我只能感叹地说身为一个基督徒的你失败了。如果连考试那一点小小的考验就能让你从神的手中逃脱,把你对神的信心给完全摧毁,你对神的信心根本是零。你能一直活在一个你自认为自己是一个虔诚基督徒的心态中,但是当你碰到考验时,就能看见你一直以来对神的认识到底有多少,你又到底多爱神。好的基督徒行为就是不管任何风风雨雨,天塌下来了也难不倒你,因为你对神的信心十足,神也会时时刻刻地守护你。那如果你觉得你什么都做了,但是神针怎么没有在我生命中把我所要的都给我,难道神不爱你吗?圣经里也提到,神的爱是公平的。所一那个疑问已经不成立了。

下在问一问你自己,你去教会崇拜是真的为了要听神的话语,要多了解,多认识神吗?还是因为教会有朋友,有好听的音乐,讲道德牧师很有趣? 这个问题我不用知道答案,我们每个人心里有数。即使你有这样不得体的行为,当你在生活中碰到困难的时候,身还是在你身边陪着你。有时作为人,我们感受不到,被周围的一切遮挡住了。这时就开始怪神在你最低潮的时候不在你的身边。但是你有真正的去寻祂吗?



Friday, 19 March 2010

My place in SMU will depend on you, MR POSTMAN. Please deliver my package and don't lose it. Thanks alot!

From miscellaneous

Sunday, 14 March 2010

spent my weekend in KL for food and abit of photography. KL is still in a mess, a bigger one actually compared to my experience a few years back.

Park Royal hotel is good, superb in fact and cheap for a 5star hotel. the service was 5 star and so was their breakfast buffet. didnt bring back much other than 151 photos and 72 donuts from Krispy Kreme. only if they had a branch in Singapore.

From Mission KL

From Mission KL

From Mission KL

From Mission KL

and these are all mine!!! 16 of them to be exact, all from Singapore.
From Mission KL

From Mission KL

From Mission KL

From Mission KL

From Mission KL

the foodcourt near the hotel that totally resembles the one at ION. Only that this is cheaper.
From Mission KL

Traffic problems.
From Mission KL

And piracy…
From Mission KL

This always has a queue no matter where it is located.
From Mission KL

And the journey back to Singapore, rained on the way.
From Mission KL

i might visit kl again, not that i like the place but its interesting and rather cheap. hygiene needs to be improved, traffic condition and the infrastructure needs maintenance.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

i've been thinking about the uni courses lately, since the application to all 3 schools have opened already. im pretty much sure about what i want to take, but really got stuck at the NUS's application form. they just have too many choices, and im not really interested in any. but really tempted to put science/engin as one of the top few options, i know thats a bad move. research is a shit hole.

in the next 10 years, let me see....
2 years for army
the next 4 for uni, 6 years gone. hopefully i'll graduate with a really good honours degree.
2 years to build up my career, and pursue a MBA at the same time. maybe part-time for this.
now i'll be 27 years old. should already have a pretty girl of a good character, get married, have a couple of kids, a nice house, a warm home.
by the time im 29, i'll probably have a stable career, MBA, and all i'll need for a good life.
make my first couple of million dollars by 35.

the simple man mentality wont go wrong. but there's so many little details, i can be rather picky when it comes to my future. plan your life well, but never stop making changes to it. learn from the past to make the future better.

meanwhile, enjoy a beautiful tune by sungha.

Monday, 8 March 2010


post #300!

much has been going on for the past few days. results, prayer meeting, bike delivery, dinner+drinking with OCIPeeps at my place, OCBC 40km, SMU open house.

1. Results.
im rather disappointed with the gp grade, but other than that all else is worth celebrating. i was still worried about my Math and Chemistry grade, thought that something will go wrong. thankfully it still came out good!

2. Prayer Meeting
it wasnt as boring as before already, and numbers are increasing. i would want to play for the band at prayer meeting, but dont have the time to practice. maybe after NS, which will start in around 2months. yongsheng is in already, im the last man standing in Must. should start to recruit more guys.

3. OCIPeeps gathering
its been quite a while since we last met, only a week actually. there's Tom this time round, which is rare stuff. the damage this time is quite a bit, 3bottles of wine, half a bottle of sake and a bit of greygoose. close to $200 of alcohol in just 4 hours. awesome stuff, pics up on facebook soon. email me if you have anything from that night, i'll post them as well. i wonder when will be the next gathering. someone organize something please.

4.OCBC 40km
got up at 4am in the morning, barely slept cos the OCIPeeps left rather late the night before. was still able to maintain a fast enough speed to finish under my targeted time. i gotta check whats my actual timing though. been half dead for most of the day, especially after lunch with olivia at tonkichi. its still good, serving is big enough and just makes us sleepy after lunch.

5.SMU open house.
umm nothing much, really. got the material i wanted, didnt even attend the talk. my queries are clarified already. submitting my application pretty soon, hope my As get me somewhere i want to.

3 weeks left in ibn, i cant wait to get out of this dirty place. i wouldnt want to step back in to do any work.

Thursday, 4 March 2010

results will be out on friday, hopefully i'll do well enough to get into my desired uni and desired course. meanwhile, i didnt have much to do in lab. and helped to defrost the 2 freezers since im so free. and the product? my snowman-which will join the 3 others in their frosty wonderland in the -80degC freezer.

i have about 3 weeks left in astar, hopefully i get to see how the story will end. it just reached its climax now.

have a good day!
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