tmr will mark the beginning of a new year, the year 2009. and today will be the very last day of this rather eventful year. this year we have seen many tragedies-cyclone nargis, sichuan earthquake,fall of lehman brothers, mumbai attacks and the great escape of Mr. Mas Selamat Kastari. i guess as we move on, more of such stuff will happen.and i will never fail to relate to the book of revelation in the bible. on the brighter side, theres good stuff happening too. obama became the president, someone benefited from our ocip trip, US withdrawing their troops. maybe it isnt that bad afterall.
every year around this time, i start to countdown, not the new year, but to my birthday on jan20-which is about 3 weeks from now. the next time jan20 comes, i'll be 18 already. time really flies fast, and things have changed much, but except from growing up, i think i didnt change much. my perspective changed, my mentality changed, my thinking changed, my ambition changed. thats quite abit actually. but these changes will be good for me and my future.
my dad asked me what i want to do when i turn 18, and for the year 2009. i gave a good thought, and replied. 'good results, many As, new guitar, new amp, new pedals, visit Canada in dec.' then he asked if im sure, i said no. fine, im just ambitious. its never wrong to paint a perfect picture of the year to come! 
im geared up for countdown at home.hope i get a good drink. baileys, elderberry syrup+cordon bleu, coffee liquor which im drinking now, and alize passion fruit liqour.