Wednesday, 28 May 2008

im back

got back from the land of smiles on monday night, at around 11pm.overall, i find this trip rather satisfactory.

some things i found interesting about thailand.

1.the thais are friendly, always there to help you

2.tuk tuks are expensive for tourists, especially the and mohs

3.chinese food in thailand has only 3 dishes.-sharks' fin soup, abalone in red gravy, birds' nest

4.air pollution is terrible in bangkok

5.girls in thailand can be rather pretty, too bad they cant speak proper english

6.the baht is really weak, compared to sgd

7.poor planning in the city area

8.raffles-city-like shopping malls are all over the city centre, the size of vivo city each

9.the thai police love tight-fitting uniforms

that should summarise my short stay in bangkok.had tom yam kung 3 times, roasted pork quite a few times, roasted pig intestine, some roasted organ of the chicken and fried crickets.and last but not least, i got a new electric guitar from bangkok.a washburn N1, Nuno Buttencourt Signature Model.but im gonna change the electronics soon, to emgs and add a tone pot to should be great after those mods.will post some pics soon

Friday, 23 May 2008

Destination Thailand

leaving for bangkok, thailand tomorrow morning.short trip.will be back on monday.hope i see some good gear and taste some good food there. goodbye for the time being, june's gonna be a hectic 'holiday', and such.

everyone, lets work towards the A's together

What you can find in a gibson

there are many things you can find with a Gibson Les Paul in your hands.


in 6 months, i will feel this way.

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

life has been tough and busy recently, tests and all those things that keep me too occupied i was taking my shower after a hot day in school, this short story came to my was one that i heard or read during my days in anglican high.its something like this:

A man was walking on the beach with God,
and scenes of his life flashed across the sky.
When the man looked back,
there were 2 sets of footprints in the sand.
But sometimes,
When times were tough,
He only saw one set.
Then he asked God,
"why were you not with me when i was feeling down or life wasnt easy."

God replied "Those are the times when i carried you through"

i will work through the common tests, God will do his best if i do my best.

bless and be blessed.

Saturday, 10 May 2008


i sort of wasted 5 dollars yesterday night for the sajc guitar concert.its not totally bad, but quite bad.there was this girl, jc2 i think, whose guitar was out of tune, the low E string, and i dont think she realised.its too unaturally low and flat.lousy.i hate the fucked up conductor too, some purple gay stand there think he very pro, and so arrogant he despised the cultural centre's speakers.what a gay bastard, hope he gets into some trouble for being so arrogant.i think annie tang is bad enough, but he is in another 'higher' league than annie.

Thursday, 8 May 2008


ok i dont know where to start from since its some time from the last time i blogged.

School is tough, im starting to see my marks dangle around the borderline pass areas.i dont feel good, its time to start mugging for common tests.i want to do well.

my pwoject work group is with ricky, annabel, and darssni.i think its quite a good combination, its quite PI is chosen since its unique and tan jq says theres still room for expansion for the GPP.

im the newly appointed CIP rep for S02, sounds cool and rather busy can CIP be, and furthermore its a class effort,there should be some one out there to help me out.

its been a really busy week:Monday:went for rugby match at ccab, SAJC against ACJC.its a close fight but we still won 20-11.saints, up and on!next monday, at padang, against ACS(I).dont know why theres so many acss around, dont like it.
Tuesday:stayed in school for PW lecture and followed by a math lecture test which i felt so disappointed in myself, im losing self confidence.
Wed.went for chem lecture test, think im gonna fail it, though i did my tutorials and the questions are somewhat similar.then went to ecp for a rollerblading session with sports and fitness club.fell many times and got a deep enough cut on my palm at the base of the mid-finger.saw clarice at the vjc bus stop on the way home.sorry clarice, i think you just got rounder.
Thurs:Ben liang got pissed with the class he dismissed us at one plus.qiang bo is the first to flee, he is the first in everything and he's happy about it.went for physio at CGH at 4, Ting Jun is not my physiotherapist anymore, shes really its a guy, hope he does a good an extended MC with excuse for napfa test, this should shut ben soh's mouth for quite some time.
Friday:chem spa, will be going to guitar concert not because its good, im gonna support Ricky should end at around 9.i heard the sales of tix was real bad, life concert was full house.

I NEED SOMEONE TO STUDY WITH.or maybe not.....
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