finally, after 3 drafts, out comes my EE PI for final submission.thats it for my pi for now, but worries lie ahead.chem lect test, math test, physics spa.and i really think that i have a fetish for les pauls.
i guess it wont be that very long till the arrival of my gibson, how i wish it is here right now.have been playing lotsa random stuff, from fade to black to catch your wave.and sajc is gonna have the 2nd cafe, which will be starbucks like.hope it will be much nicer than that pop cafe, and make our $$ more worth it.have been quite busy lately, will update soon.again.and student camp this year, hope i can commit to it.
Friday, 18 April 2008
Friday, 4 April 2008
didnt post for a real long time, i really got no time to do's been very very busy recently, projectwork, gp presentation, math lecture test, chem lecture test, physics class test, tutorials.add on to that i've got physio an alt thurs, doc's appt, and some other specialist clinic i wish money could buy time,really.gonna give a real long update now.

start with talking abt school.
well, i chose journeys over modernisation for the project task, about lky's journey to learn mandarin.i was surprised to find out that he actually started learning mandarin at 32years old.amazing right?i really admire him, a great man.without him, would i even be here?ME,ME of my preliminary idea draft.hope will upgrade to ee,ee.general paper presentation was over today, the group wasnt really well-prepared for this.i hate being not prepared enough.samuel,sheldon,chanpheurum and ricky and i was already considered quite good enough,for the amount of info we gave.till the "60-40"guy jason told me i was like talking to myself.maybe, but i dont know.the way i look at jason is like a sin-curve, sometimes i find him ok.but most of the time not.the girls and her were late for econs class, and ben liang asked them to go for a break instead of lesson.they missed all the important stuff anout essay writing and answering skills req for test and exam.good luck to them.actually, i like my class now quite a lot.better than tpjc, much bettter,at least i found some people who have similar interest as i have.passion for guitar and old school rock music.and theres lots of jokers in o8s02 too, people like kishen and dixon.sajc is real fun i think, packed with activities and lots of other stuff that we can keep ourselves busy with.and jin jin khan has this book which i think will screw up anyone's life after reading. it tells you how to make you life more one is to call the police, and say you are abducted by aliens.or maybe call them and say "i want to confess a crime i committed..."and dont say anything.or maybe prank call someone and say"im your real father".will also be running for house council as it will give me a nicer looking SGC.
now, talk about my physio.
i was diagnosed with bilateral patella femoral pain syndrome or PFPS, and will be out on 6 months mc.that means no pe for the time being.the therapist in charge of me is ting jun, a rather nice doctor who is patient at explaining,and jokes quite a lot.shes the type of person that is like my elder sis, it would never come across your mind if you see her and think she is a doctor.start with some easy exercises for strengthening and such and will move on to other stuff.
was at the johnnie walker promotion event for a campaign promotion for drink driving.of course that was not why i was there was for mr mika hakkinen of course, the 2 time formula one world champion.he is here as a spokesperson, and demonstrate the mclaren mercedes formula one car.was at the chingay one to see the RBR car not long ago, and now mclaren.whats next?ferrari with shell sponsor.hope so.and i know now that amg cars are loud beasts.the CL55amg hakkinen drove is one revving loud powerful monster.the F1 car wasnt that quick that day, but still loud and impressive.was also looking through my collection of ferrari car models,i was impressed and snapped some pics of them.i have 17 of them now,plus one larger mika hakkinen f1 car
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