Monday, 31 December 2007
ok, i'll start with sat.went to asc with zhengyi, its was at the main sanctuary, as the tiles at worship hall broke, oh well, its better as its bigger.LL jie called us as we were walking up the last slope to the church on a hot hot day.we were there rather early, as the hall only got one person inside.yuhua couldnt make it, he claimed he was sick, most likely he is lying.couldnt contact daryl.xiuxia led the paw, not bad, not electric guitar this time round, only acoustic.sang some old songs that reminded me of student camp.after service, went to renai, and they were painting some rocks, for painting what we wanted to give thanks for.i painted earth.zhengyi and i didnt bring brushes, cos we thought they would provide some for ppl like us.still got one activity is to change the lyrics of the christmas carol "12 Days of Christmas".im in the same grp as van and lianghan, for the fourth day, we had 4 tho shulings.its some big sized girl at asc who was always made fun of.the other time weixuan called her the big bang.joined a newly formed cell with zhengyi, yanbing's the leader.the jc1 cell, got estee, sinyee,yirong,junle and 1 other guy.hopefully yuhua n daryl would join too, if not it will be super sian.went to play badminton straight after service, then went for the sat group's annual uncle there, i think he's drunk, started saying lots of funny things during dinner.he said he was a dinner, and said that he used to carry a log on his shoulders and run on shallow water along the beach.thats hell tough.then he said how far he could swim and run and i'll not carry on with the details.went to pick sis up at the airport, she's back from china finally, and got back lots of stuff, which meant she spent alot of $$ there.
sunday, didnt go cycling, its hard to arrange a time where everyone could make it.went to my aunt's place for a late christmas/early new year dinner.lots of stuff, got sushi,turkey,ham, beehoon,and lots of other small lil things.was really full and tired.and yes, manu lost to west ham, spurs beat reading 6-4.10 goals, wow!
today, went cycling with zhengyi,zhuting and was the same route as the other time, same stops along the way.7-11 and changi food centre,and ate the same stuff for lunch again.nothing much actually happened today, talked and crapped alot along the way.when we stop, zhengyi will take out his rubik's cube-3x3x3, and solve it.i sort of forgot how to solve a 3x3x3 cube, ever since i got messed up with the we approached zhengyi's place, the rest of us were beaten by the upslope, a long long stretch up in all 3 except zhengyi dismounted and pushed the bike up.the legs were getting wobbly,but its fun.we will do that again.than zhuting nearly fell as she hit or maybe just bumped into a post out of fatigue, but she didnt fall.thats the end of the journey, as we split up as i went home.thats another 38.88km covered,in 2 hours and 40 minutes.going to the class bbq later at melville park, and zhengyi would be coming over first to play guitar.
good bye, and happy new year to anyone who reads this post.have fun and good luck in 2008, see you soon.
Friday, 28 December 2007
and this is a nice song from queen.
The Show Must Go On
Empty spaces - what are we living for
Abandoned places - I guess we know the score
On and on, does anybody know what we are looking for...
Another hero, another mindless crime
Behind the curtain, in the pantomime
Hold the line, does anybody want to take it anymore
The show must go on,
The show must go on
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on.
Whatever happens, Ill leave it all to chance
Another heartache, another failed romance
On and on, does anybody know what we are living for?
I guess Im learning, I must be warmer now
Ill soon be turning, round the corner now
Outside the dawn is breaking
But inside in the dark Im aching to be free
The show must go on
The show must go on
Inside my heart is breaking
My make-up may be flaking
But my smile still stays on
My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies
Fairytales of yesterday will grow but never die
I can fly - my friends
The show must go on
The show must go on
Ill face it with a grin
Im never giving in
On - with the show -Ill top the bill, Ill overkill
I have to find the will to carry on
On with the -On with the show -The show must go on...
sis will be back from her 21 day china trip tomorrow, hope she enjoyed herself there.asc tmr with zhengyi,cycling on sunday morning, a bigger group this time.holidays are ending, a new journey lies ahead in 2008.anglican high will be missed, the juniors, the teachers, the school compound,and not forgetting zou jiao lian.will go back next year, hope they will be playing home for badminton,hope they win too.good luck and have fun in 2008
2007 ends in 3days
Thursday, 27 December 2007
holidays are ending
2007 ends in 4 days, school starts in 5
Wednesday, 26 December 2007
match update
happy boxing day.2007 ends in 5 starts in 7.hope will get to cycle again, just wish for the better
non-cycling daze
Jovan got an injured wrist from the previous trip, while trying to do some sort of stunt.Zhengyi is back at uic to work, zhuting got some council stuff, brenda not free, i got rugby in the after rugby, i stoned at home.watched the gnr dvd, metallica dvd, queen dvd.
how do we go cycling again?everyone's so busy at their own stuff.if tmr is the same again, which is most likely if i decide not to go out with my cousin, i'll watch LOTR at home, the whole series.
Tuesday, 25 December 2007
1030-started warming up and discuss about the starting lineup
1045-trashing time
the first half of the boring rugby game ended 0-3, its a penalty scored by the try, nothing, except for that penalty.i guess no one had the mood to play, its christmas, who wants to get injured on this good day, no one is playing real serious rugby, super slack.didnt want to lose this, and the cap came up with some sort of weird strategy, kick pass through the central, thats a stupid strategy.the person who is holding the ball will kick it through the opponents central defence, then 2 players will run from each of the ends, to grab the ball and touchdown.thats like hell lot of stamina the way, theres only 16 players today,and we are playing 15 a side, so theres only one reserve to spare.start of second half means the start of the stupid strategy, quite useful at the start though, the first 15minutes, scored 9 tries and all converted.opponent scored thats 63-3, we are leading.i scored 4 of the 9 scored by the team.the match ended quite tanned from the 2 consecutive days of rugby, there should be one more tomorrow.really tired and sore, came home with an aching shoulder, painful shoulder.maybe wont go for the match tomorrow, go cycling instead.
although i didnt go to asc today, cos of the match, i prayed for quite a while in the morning, give thanks and asked for quite many things.some have been answered quite soon, while others, i'll seek the bible for the answer, im still reading it and ccp still got no time for bs
its christmas today, im not exactly really excited.maybe the excitement came too early, or im too tired, or maybe cos i didnt go church.not sure, but i'll wish those who know me or those whom i know a MERRY CHRISTMAS 2007.the year's ending in 6days.
Monday, 24 December 2007
christmas eve
supposed to meet zhengyi,jovan and zhuting for cycling, but zhuting couldnt make it cos she has some project to complete.met zy at 1.30pm, and headed to jovan's place.he brought us through urban cycling, so we returned the favour by bringing him through jungle cycling.on the long, boring stretch of 7.7km, drama happened again.we were chasing the plane thats taking off, apparently we couldnt catch up. we never will on bicycles.then slowed down a lil, and jovan did his freehand cycling again.guess what, his bike went over some rock or twig and bam!faceplant onto concrete.superficial wounds on his chin and knee.jovan, you should give thanks, that its nothing really serious.then headed to changi village to have a meal, great food.and the place wasnt crowded as its a monday, and the people are at the offices working.then cycled home, quite tired already.zhengyi was the first to go , then i, then jovan.thats another 40km that we covered.will try that again.
supposed to go church tmr morning for christmas service at 9am, then adam called and said that theres another rugby match at 1030 at bishan.actually was about to tell zhengyi im going church already, and the call came.hope santa will know that im still good even tho i missed church.will go there and trash them, thats the best christmas gift =)
Sunday, 23 December 2007
arrived at narita airport at around 7plus, took the plane from singapore at 1am the same off the plane, the first thing i knew was muscle ache, was playing badminton with the girls a day earlier then some older men at night.the next thing i knew was that japan is cold, or rather the airport, we had our breakfast there.first meal in japan=).guess what, and its ramen with 2 glasses of sake, or japanese rice wine.have been drinking that everyday in japan, it keeps the body warm.finished dinner at around 1030,singapore time.its 1130 japan time.went back to the hotel to rest, then engage some english-speaking jap guy who drive, and paid him 200sgd a day, thats something like 16000jpy a day,just to bring us around tokyo.didnt have lunch that day, went to the ishibashi store at shinjuku district, with my cousin of course.and when you think ishibashi, you should think the GIBSON WALL.yeah, thats one wall of all gibson guitars, customshop inclusive.i started trying them out, started with the gibson les paul standard first.its nice to play, through a marshall amp, the sound is much nicer and better than the les paul ultra.the next one i picked from the wall is the les paul supreme.its much lighter than the standard, sound is around the same.then i tried zhengyi's dream guitar, the les paul custom black beauty.the sound, definitely, is much much much much better than the 2 previous guitars.played SCOM intro for these guitars i tested, i also tested the gibson slash signature, and the zakk wylde one too.also played What The World Will Never Take, easy to play.stuck at ishibashi for 3 and a half hours, its too attractive, and much bigger that sweelee in singapore.when you go there, you will see all those high end sstuff, also including prs, fenders, and super vintage least i played these guitars before, but not owning them.went with my cousin to shop at some district near ishibashi, its all the sports stuff and brands, some are cheap, but mostly are not.especially those newer things, and newer and nicer designs.met dad n mum at a sushi bar in somewhere,im not too sure where either, for dinner.its terribly bad to be hungry when its cold out there.the sushi at japan, is top notch, as expected.the taste is good,great,fantastic, excellent,fabulous.its hard to describe how good it is, the topping comes in bigger slices too.and of course, not forgetting more sake.went back to the hotel, too full and too tired.died on the first day in tokyo
DAY 2.
woke up quite late, 11plus tokyo time.tired.....went out at 3 plus for lunch and sake, japanese pork chop bento,with sweet jap curry.thats all for daytime, cos the activity for the day is at night=).went to the tokyo night market, not exactly sure of the name, but its all thos roadside stalls.the food there is cheaper than what you find at stores, and some even taste better, like the deep fried stuff that you can find everywhere.and drank sake as we walked along the stalls to try out more types of different flavours tokyo has to offer.went back to the hotel at 12plus tokyo time, died on the second day in japan.
DAY 3.
feeling better, woke up earlier, its a new day afterall.missing singapore already, the people, the weather, the friends.nevermind about that, cos i'll be back in sg the next day.went to the japanese fish market in tokyo, where they haul in huge tunas,or otoro.thats the main purpose of this trip, to taste otoro belly in its own home,japan.its way to expensive in singapore to eat such stuff, but is isnt cheap in tokyo either, only slightly lower priced.thats for lunch, fish and sake go well together.stayed at hotel for the afternoon, didnt feel like going out.dinner was good stuff again, at another sushi urchin, eel, and much more stuff than the previous one.they serve better tasting sake too, its sweeter ,nicer to taste.leaving the following day, japan is good, but singapore is better.
DAY 4.
didnt do much , slept in, check out, leave for airport, back to the hot island of singapore
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
went to school again to play badminton, the last time this year.i'll miss school,anglican high school.
its really quite tiring playing with the juniors, won the singles, hopefully they could learn sth from playing with me.and i learned that, zou jiao lian actually stayed in japan for 10 years!zhengyi, awas and i couldnt believe it initially.well, never judge a book by its cover, he's quite a nice coach actually.partnered zy for a marathon 3 set game 'gainst zhuting and isabel, we lost.haha, were not exactly serious, just wanted them to get a better grasp of the game,and learn to coordinate better.went for another round of badminton after leaving the training, which ended at 5+. and i got home at 6+.went to play again at 7.30, super tired and sore.especially after that 40km ordeal.leaving for tokyo soon, will miss everyone here, everything here in singapore.3rd time i'll be visiting japan, hope it's still good, or even better.go there for food and sake and the cold weather.hope my cousin will get used to the environment.
6 days to Christmas, i'll be back in time
Monday, 17 December 2007
Fun time OUT
got back to school to play badminton the last time-in ahs.was playing singles again, zou jiao lian was teaching brenda how to retrieve smashes after my match with her.he was demonstrating how to retrieve and asked me to attack his backhand, so i did.he couldnt catch the first few, so i relaxed a lil', if not its no point for him to show the technique.then played with shalyn again, i thought gg, confirm lose, as i thought of the joke that was shared between the sec 4 not going to say what it is, unless you ask me.still won in the end lah, if not lose face.zhuting didnt seem to be happy today, hope she will cheer up
ccp: "i can meet you for lunch tmr.. How abt bedok central?"
wj:"i will be going to school in the afternoon to play bmt, will be having lunch at home.then where will the bs be at?"
ccp:"then meet you late afternoon for a drink just to catch up :)after you play bad.. bs can be another day la.."
see, this is why up till now, i only have 4 bs lessons with ccp, that is ultimate slacking.met up with ccp at 5.30, with jr and gr.ccp drove us to 85, to have a drink with us.his parking skills are many many times better than least he doesnt need to open his door to see while parking.he treated gr, awas foo and i to dessert while waiting for zy cos he went to vjc training.then this guy selling tissue paper came by, ccp bought 6 packs from him,with 2,generosity??then zhengyi came, he was also treated to dessert.ccp is leaving for nus high school next year, wouldnt be seeing him around when i go back to ahs.he will be a pe teacher usual, we had our usual stuff for dinner.stingray is a must have, and some other food.had satay too, lord awas's idea was usually not good.he suggested mutton satay, which was shit compared to the chicken not being LL here btw.
going cycling with zhengyi and jovan will be sth like this.
3 of us:anglican high school-ecp-changi-loyang(zhengyi go home)-tamp(wj go home)-anglican high school(jovan go home)
maybe also go for dinner at some place in tamp, will get paid tmr.
8days to Christmas, im feeling it
Friday, 14 December 2007
badminton daze
got up at 1145 today, slept at 9pm last night.thats like almost 15 hours of sleep, total enjoyment sleeping.was supposed to meet zhengyi at tanah merah stn at 1245, then i saw his sms:'You go first.. I take my time.. Leg very pain'.so i took my time too, went to 85 for lunch.after lunch zhengyi, in school, called me to ask where am i.apparently i took a longer time than he joined us much later at abt 2pm.the girls are having friendly with cedar, and the boys at tamp sports hall playing 'gainst amk.cedar is quite good, abt the same std as anglican, maybee slightly weaker,didnt ask about the actual results.all tired, zhengyi, gr and i met up with jovan at 85 for dinner.the stingray and sotong was spicy, super spicy.all covered in chilli.shared fried carrot cake with zy that was disgusting, stupid tard ordered the 3 dollars one.ate till we felt sick of fried carrot cake.we began to crack some jokes, one goes like this."like sister like brother, like father like son, like husband like wife"we know who, you may know too.but just hush hush,hahaha =)
not going church tmr, so zhengyi wouldnt be going too.getting a new pair of badminton shoes, will be playing in jc again.i enjoy it, love the game.
11 days to Christmas, im getting excited about it
Thursday, 13 December 2007

yesterday, went to school to play badminton.almost all sec 4 boys were there, including leon, zhengyi,lord jr, jibong, guorong and i.just short of andy and jvn, if not it will be everyone there.the girls are having friendly with kranji sec,saw the coach that kicked coach andy aka the 'wink-wink' coach.kelly wee said that if the coaches fight, the new coach will be the first to run, only like to talk big.i think our girls won quite a lot though.after that,i partnered gr for doubles against xiaohui and some sec 2 girl.won convincingly, i wasnt allowed to really utilize my smashes.then played singles with brenda, first set was terrible, i didnt really attack but played more lobs and such.lost the tiring first set 25-27.second set,zou jiaolian told me the i can smash, and encourages me to attack more, so i did as he said.i changed to backhand service, and attacked a lot.won 21-12.haha, do brush up on your defence brenda! went to look for coach daniel with zhengyi and gr, at his relac room.learned that many teachers are leaving ahs, ccp,jain,eugene ong,kartini and i think theres more.what will anglican be like in the years to come?
at night, i played badminton with the wed grp as usual, 8-10pm.halfway through, my shirt was totally soaked, so i went to the washroon to wring out the the time i left at 10pm,even my shorts are wet too, super time i should bring an extra shirt along
12 days to christmas, im in the mood already
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
Off Day 5
yesterday night, zhengyi and i had a songs sending frenzy online.we sent 24 songs altogether, sent him the whole queen album.will be away in tokyo japan from the 20th to 23rd,4 days in japan.this will be the 3rd time i'll be in japan, but im still looking foward to this trip alot.japan is really a great place to visit.will be going with my vjc cousin.shes just one year older then me btw,and is like a sister to me.didnt go for the pri sch bbq at melville park ytd, thought of the people,i think i give it a least i wont waste my time and money, with the ppl i dont really like, and bbq on a rainy day.
13 days to christmas,pae posting is tmr
Tuesday, 11 December 2007
Off Day 4
went back to ahs to play badminton, join the boys at their training.guess what, i opened the door and saw 3 person kelly,guan xiang and jonathan.a training day, a coach and 2 students.great, just like some private coaching.then came this little p6 boy who should be in ahs next year,and 2 sec one boys.i helped coach out by feeding these 3 boys shuttles to train them to hit the 4 corners and 'catch' their opponents.then i played singles with jon, i sort of lost touch alr.wasnt supposed to kill him off anyway, he is supposed to learn how to play smart.won the first set,lost the second, and finished him off in the last.went for lunch after that at 85.havent been there for ages
after lunch, went back to join the sec 1 boys training.better attendance this time.played the rubik's cube for a while then played singles with jon again.6 sets winning streak. he couldnt catch my smashes.haha,try harder next time.he wanted to win,thats why we kept playing and playing and playing.ended up so tired, we went out to see the councillors play some games.should be some council camp or sth like that, not too sure either.dont even know what game they were playing, some wet game lah, with all the usual water bomb stuff.seems quite boring.i can play badminton everyday provided that i dont need to go to work.should be working tmr, if not see me again in school tmr at the school hall.will be going next week for sure, will be giving the sec 3 girls x'mas gifts, thanking them also for the farewell
14 days to Christmas, i got gifts for some people,not all
Monday, 10 December 2007
Off Day 3 cont'd
watching the golden compass again with the guys at tm, cos i still couldnt really catch the story.when the movie ended at lido the other day, everyone was like 'huh?'.you see, they just cut off at some point and didnt tell you many,for sure,there would be a second part to "His Dark Materials:The Golden Compass"
Off Day 3
gonna stay at home again tmr
Sunday, 9 December 2007
Too Much Love Will kill you
Too Much Love Will Kill You-Queen
Im just the pieces of the man I used to be
Too many bitter tears are raining down on me
Im far away from home
And Ive been facing this alone
For much too long
I feel like no-one ever told the truth to me
About growing up and what a struggle it would be
In my tangled state of mindIve been looking back to find
Where I went wrong
Too much love will kill you
If you cant make up your mind
Torn between the lover
And the love you leave behind
Youre headed for disaster
cos you never read the signs
Too much love will kill youEvery time
Im just the shadow of the man I used to b
eAnd it seems like theres no way out of this for me
I used to bring you sunshine
Now all I ever do is bring you down
How would it be if you were standing in my shoes
Cant you see that its impossible to choose
No theres no making sense of it
Every way I go Im bound to lose
Too much love will kill you
Just as sure as none at all
Itll drain the power thats in you
Make you plead and scream and crawl
And the pain will make you crazy
Youre the victim of your crime
Too much love will kill you
Every time
Too much love will kill you
Itll make your life a lie
Yes, too much love will kill you
And you wont understand why
Youd give your life, youd sell your soul
But here it comes again
Too much love will kill you
In the end...
In the end.
zhengyi came over to my hse yesterday after church.after service, we were like "want go cell?"."dont want lah,cell so movie,aiya dont go lah".so he was at my house playing guitar and he seems to like my amp alot.he will only return to play electric after he get a better guitar and a better amp.
im looking foward to student camp 2008,hopefully those badminton ppl will have a group.i dont want some strangers in my group when im the leader,its hard to get things done.zhengyi should also be joining me, along with ccp in the same group.hope its like that, then it will be more fun.
16days to christmas, do you have any special wishes?
Saturday, 8 December 2007
the golden compass
Friday, 7 December 2007
Off Day 2
max speed:33.9km/hdistance covered:29.41km
felt sore all over.but im gonna try that again, with someone else.if not the trip would be super boring.just follow signs like these, and you would not get lost.its quite easy to lose your way without these to guide you.tell me if youre interested in going cycling with me,but please call this number first, its really forecast:65427788
im still missing the bmt ended way too fast, couldnt really catch up.anyway, i still got some pics.not a lot though, all are pics of everyone's dying moments without sleep.

going to lido to watch the golden compass in the evening, hope its good and i wont tmr, hope zy will go as he promised.and zt,pls send me the pics match on sunday morning, i should be able to play hooker/full foward, dont let me play some shitty defender, it sucks.let me score some trys.student camp next yr, hope the badminton ppl will form a grp with mix of boys and girls.i will be glad to be your group leader if theres a group from sports.
18 days to christmas, everyone shall get a gift.i will choose what you deserve.
Thursday, 6 December 2007
Off Day
the guys played st.gabs today for friendly, coach kelly asked me to join them,during the later parts.the st gabs coach was still simon, still rmb last yr when he brought the guys to ahs, there was this stupid guy trying to show off to his friends how high he could jump.he touched the lamp casing, it fell and dropped.he was told to pay in the brainer.while waiting for my turn to play, zhihong and i got nothing to do, so went to the other hall to see the b girls play.played doubles 'gainst zhuting and some sec 2 girl, then isabel and xiaohui.won both, zh told me not to play so hard so slacked abit.played normally then zhuting started saying that we were tricky, can go circus be clowns.random???not sure either.partnered jonathan for the st.gabs friendly, played with 2 gays.1st set we won easily 21-9, then messed up the second losing 19-21.shouldnt be that way.
should be working tmr, one more week to work.will be going overseas soon, hope the weather will be good.the golden compass,hopefully a good movie too.
19 days to christmas, will get sth for you, you and you.most likely the sec 3 bmt players, dont care abt the sec2s, let alone sec 1s
I'll be back.
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
the farewell
went to work straight from the chalet, only brought my wallet,pen and phone.nothing else.reached uic at 8.30, nvr been there so early b4.but i was very tired, so i sat on the pink swivel chair and waited for binghao to come.forcing myself not to sleep without the help of caffeine, as i dont really like coffee or tea or anything that stains the teeth and keeps you awake.was so tired that i stared at the cpu blankly, dont know what to do,lagging when doing things.the workshop was empty by 5pm, so binghao and i played soccer with a ball we made, and hockey too.till razak says we can leave at 5.i was like woohoo, since zhuting told me they starting fire at 5pm.guess what, i reached there and saw no decent fire till 8pm.then we talked some rubbish as the girls and some boys cooked, while jovan and i sat at the table and wait for the jrs to serve sometime quite late i dont remember we played the ice-breaking game.not literally but really ice breaking.cos they put the cca tshirt in some water and froze it, and we were supposed to break the ice and get the shirt out of the ice.thats the game that i was told we were gonna play before the chalet.forgot who told me.but i think i was quite alright but the shirt tore as we tried to break the ice.was tired after that, went back to shower then helped out at the pits.was semi-conscious and i said i 'may lose my balance'then the sec 3 girls were like ' losing my balance'...........???why that reaction?idk.haha, funny though, even walking short distances they still could put in so much crap.kudos.walked ard dont know doing what then i said my prayers and went to sleep at abt 2am.i woke up for work on 3rd dec 7am, went to sleep on 5th dec 2am.longest time i have ever been awake for, anyway, i sleep quite early usually.dont expect me to reply your smses after 10pm.woke up at abt 6am i think, when cy came in and ding dong ding choice, were supposed to go for breakfast with the sec 3 girls, as they were leaving quite early.went to mac again and ate hitcakes which were mac-sian.wanted to take a last grp photo with those girls, but they left and we were too tired to ask them back.guessed we missed the last chance.then went to jovan's hse as im too early for work, went with jon.then he went home, and i go to work.
im seriously looking foward to nxt yr's student camp, and i urge those who have not went to it before to go, especially those sec3s bmt girls n boys this june 2008, when you all give your forms for the camp, request for me as grp leader, that could be really the chance for like the last gathering.hahaha, yeah.i'll look foward to student camp 2008, hope to see more of you all there
its 20 more days till christmas, and i still want you, hopefully.i think you know it, but i still kept quiet,you too
Monday, 3 December 2007
headlamps of the le mans carthe old vintage car
Christmas in 22 days, i want you from Santa,i'll just keep praying for you
Sunday, 2 December 2007
since christmas is just round the corner, i think its time to do some christmas shopping, get some gifts for closer friends, and others will see how first.left with one gift from cameron highlands not given out yet, clear it out first hopefully.....gonna spend some good money soon
badminton chalet on monday, at something called aranda or dont know what you call that.zhuting is the GM that day, hope we will make some fun outta jovan n the gm.yeah, wait and see.will be posting pics of the chalet when i return from there.
talkin abt the taping frenzy guorong mentioned, it all started out as a joke.they were making fun of me at work that, tp and those acronyms are for example: tp means tape pk, tc---tape clarice.we were still in prom mood, still high.and maybe the glue from the tape is affecting us too.
dec7th-charity movie from the rotary club.watching the golden compass at lido 1.1 ticket cost $50.
dec24th-family dinner at raffles town club
dec31st-family dinner at some place
rest of the weekdays is work work work work work work.
thinking to stop work 2 weeks earlier so i can still have sometime spent accomplishing what i have not done.hope u could understand.
now, ive gotta talk abt punctuality.some people whom i know are always late.rockie is a good offence when im saying this.because when im punctual when meeting up, and see no-one at that place, i get pissed off.especially when the person involved gave some lousy excuse.and punctuality seems to be ancient, at least im still punctual 95% of the time.hope no one ever gets late again, cos it justs feels so good to be early and on time.
23 days to Christmas, and i want nothing but you.i'll just keep praying
Saturday, 1 December 2007
in sec one, entered a new environment.anglican high was my second choice after victoria, was quite suprised that i landed in ahs though, but i didnt regret one was the badminton trials, the only person who was closer to me was lord jr, friend since monkey years ago, k1 you could say.somehow, i bumped ard, got into the renowned ahs badminton team, unaware that a tough journey lies ahead.since i'm in bmt, means i'm in sports 2 was in 1H, where everyone was almost perfect strangers.the class bonding wasnt present, everyone had their own lil' cliques.untill sikaige came along, our cd was him who brought everyone in 1H closer together as a class.met many new friends since then, and i felt that hey, luckily i came here.end of the year there was a badminton training camp, which lasted several days in the hols.we were training everyday, morning, afternoon, night.good time was spent during those few days, knew more abt the seniors who were quite scary.not forgetting that we trashed fu hua flat on the last day.kiato was memorable, big bully who can be quite nice.1 year was gone, well spent.
sec 2, another good year.mrs rod was the form teacher for 2H.was down with dengue fever for the first week of school, felt really sick.luckily, i was unedr home treatment, only that i have to see the doc every morn to take blood tests.really afraid of this deadly illness.if i cad a cut or a bruise, i might have died.guorong and junrong visited me with the new jerseys for the year's competition.the class is super united, and to us, 2G is just a branch of us.soon , there came a petition, which for the first time, we felt the presence of was for the principal to start the sports class programme in sec 3 &4, which the school stopped due to many problems.but we were all determined, as in to stay together in the same class for 2 more was june, and my first time at student camp.that was the first time i came so close to God, but i closed the door on him.nearly cried out at church during PAW night.will talk abt my 3 years of student camp participation later.anyway, forgot about the juniors in badminton.we sort of bumped around and played east zones tournament, didnt know that we were so strong.a surprise for most of us that we came in second behind victoria.we lost to them in the finals 2-3.first time we met them, we lost 0-5.that was the 1st time we lost as a team.there was limeng who was afraid of me and the reason was that i looked fierce.higher chinese class was at 2F,with huiwen,leonard,bryan,leeyang and was like the first time out of sports class into another, met new people,non-sports ones.they feel so different, yet easy to get along well with.then in nov, there was the shanghai trip, almost all the boys were there, soccer was played almost everyday cos the hostel has all sort of facilities.went for jap food one night, cheaper than singapore.n not forgetting the starbucks there,and the salons that have a second storey that provides other 'services'.we were warned of those,in case we get raped???maybe.josephine went to VJC ip, kirk went to TJC ip, thats the end of sec 2.
sec 3, miss tay was the form came the people from the sports branch, out went some of the 2H people.3F was clearly splitted up.there was 2H, badminton girls, tt boys.tse see came with 2H, she was the only netballer cos rachel left on day 1 to sec 3A.not much contact with the 2G people till Bonding camp 2006, @ sentosa.good camp, learned many things abt each other, and there came 3F, which was closer than what we were like when sec 3 started.student camp too in 2007, abt the same grp as when in sec 2 student camp.the bmt tournament wasnt fruitful, got knocked out in the east zone 1st round.try again nxt year was all we could do.still, new juniors joined us, but this batch, i dont really like them, seriously.most got attitude problem, but no discipline problems.later that year we had en suelo mas alto, the schools 50th anniversary concert at esplanade.many 3F people went, and it was the last time we do things together as a class with jovan, who was forced out of 3F by the maid in the office.still, we are a team, no one could break anyone of us out.had the express chinese o levels, which came out as a B3, huiwen and lord jr too.we made a vow to score an a1 on a2 in higher chinese o levels.a good year well spent too.
sec 4, the same old people from3F, no jovan this time.2007 was a very different year for me, and those ard me.i accepted Christ during the student camp.came as a shocker to many people.and the badminton tournament, we came in 3rd in east zone, we played home in school as we wanted, chased the girls out of home to play somewhere booted out in nationals 1st round, the draw wasnt good.after that, went to student camp, with new people in the group, and i managed to drag more friends to this wonderful camp.had prelims, and some o levels stuff here and there along the year, ended the year with olevels, and holidays are here.then we had prom night @ four seasons hotel, it was a great night, too bad i left early, missed out a bit or quite some you could say.i still enjoyed there.i found that my blazer was laden with glitter, but from who?everyone looked great, the girls looked gorgeous, or maybe it was those expensive dresses and makeup and hairdo at some posh salon?should be lah, everyone knows that.working at uic after o levels, we became high paid temp staff.guorong,zhengyi,binghao became collegues.met junyang and mingkang, good i wish i could go back to prom again, hope the church could organise sth good for the sec 4s to get together.i still have sth to say, that i have not said.there could be good news ahead, wait for my pics and post soon if i'm successful.have been praying and hoping it would come true.hard to imagine i missed that for so many years,3 year plus?it should be quite soon, but theres no need to rush.just wait and see.
now, i'll talk abt the 3 times that i hve been to student camp, organised by the church in school.1st year was the most fun out of the 3, when i was in sec 2.leader was qingnian ge and vannessa.the group members included me, rockie,cherlyn,shirleen,tsesee,rachel,yeehan,huixin,grace,yuhua,ben and not forgetting daryl.these people in the group, only rockie and i were from 2H, the rest 2G.we all got along very well.the talent night, everyone worked together and did quite well, for a grp of rookies, we got 4th or 5th.then came that amazing amazing race held on the second last day.surprising that we managed to come in second, we were all elated and tired.that very night, i witnessed something, something very important to was the very emotional praise and worship night.the song that theykept playing was 'So You Would Come".its something like this 'because of his great love, he gave his only Son,everything was done so you would come.Come to the Father, though your gift is small, broken hearts broken lives, he will take them all." i was so touched i nearly cried,and raise my hand to accept Christ as my savior.He was knocking on the door so hard yet i refused to let Him in, rockie cried, yuhua and ben went up, the girls cried.i'm confused and lost.the next day, i went home, and felt very empty deep in my heart,something was missing, i am very sure.
the following year, went to student camp again.a small group, without ben, yeehan,huixin,yuhua,and grace.shuyi jie and weijie were the leaders of 'America's Next Top Model'.this camp was alright, nothing special.only thing i remembered was that we were beaten flat in the amazing race, as we lost our way in the city area.
student camp 2007,the most memorable one that i would never forget.this time a group of NCC boys came along in the group.there was me, zhengyi, binghao, rockie,john,janson,yongping, johnathan,samuel,mr chua, jovan,daryl.a big big big big group of jokers together.won many things, one of the best groups in the camp.saw the St.John group again, with 2 nice gays among them who shared the same room with us.after the praise and worship night, i had a talk with mr was 11/6/2007, midnight. actually during the whole camp, i felt the urge to do sth, but i dont even know what it was that night, that i realised what it was.ccp showed me a small booklet that i saw b4, but dumped it somewhere.its the '4 spiritual laws'.i was touched, so much that i opened my door, and let Him in.i felt different, i was happy, i was glad.i had put the past behind, as i know a well-planned life lies ahead.i never felt like this before.that was like the last chance that could make me a christian, and i did not regret taking that chane.i thanked ccp everyday in my prayers, and everyone around me.when i got home the following day after a lunch treat from ccp at seoul garden,i dont feel that emptiness in my heart anymore, cos i have Christ in me.
thats all abt the journey in AHS,four years, 4 fast years.hope we could keep in contact.
its 24 more days to Christmas, and i want you
Friday, 30 November 2007
a day at ASS
Thursday, 29 November 2007
working at uic was fun, though getting a lil bit boring.stayed in-house most of the time, so much that guorong n binghao n even some perm staff called me in-house manager.but going out on-site is always tiring, as we have to do all the shifting and cable management,and dataflex(PC lock-a stupid thing thats hard to install).the people @ uic are nice though, with a pantry that we often visit for R.O.C.W.O.L. aka relak one corner without official leave.oh ya, n theres junyang whom i cant stop laughing when i see his far i'm happy with this job,$7.50/hr.overtime is $11.25.its the pay thats kepping, i was playing ard with the tape.and guorong kept saying that i will tape someone up, or t.c., then binghao will be tx, ty,tz, gr tp.a cage in the warehse excited him further, "tape them then cage 'em".85 for northland, 101 for christ church, 45 for ytss and 20 for ass.
prom is over, significantly marking the end of the 4 year AHS journey.looking back, time really flies.and student camp was just like yesterday.will be having chalets and small gatherings soon,and christmas will be here real soon =)carolling at asc,maybe.the people at prom look quite good, some i could not recognise.and i tripped over many people that one night, leeyang, clarice,some weird people and many more.the boring part was the talent-time or what you call that by the prom king n queen nominees.lousy plot was what i could say.not forgetin bryan n nalina.
posting soon, still finding my way around this thing called 'blog'
Wednesday, 7 November 2007